@Vincent-Gao 2022-02-28T20:02:50.000000Z 字数 1685 阅读 981

Explore Your Next Career: API Documentation

API Cloud-Computing NUS

A Demo Documentation for the CS5224 Cloud Computing Project

1. Get Job Information

  1. {
  2. "id": "0",
  3. "industry": "Internet",
  4. "jobTitle": "Data Scientist",
  5. "salary": "10000-20000 SGD/month",
  6. "talent": "Python Modeling, Python Data Cleaning",
  7. "jd": "This work is to deal with python coding."
  8. },

2. Get Career Path

  1. {
  2. "nodes": [
  3. {
  4. "id": "0",
  5. "jobTitle": "Data Scientist",
  6. "height": 20
  7. },
  8. {
  9. "id": "1",
  10. "jobTitle": "Data Enginner",
  11. "height": 20
  12. }
  13. ],
  14. "edges": [
  15. { "from": "0", "to": "1", "weight": "90%"},
  16. { "from": "1", "to": "2", "weight": "10%"}
  17. ]
  18. }

3. Get Skill Recommendation

  1. {
  2. "path": ["Data Engineer", "Data Scientist", "Data Head", "CTO"],
  3. "talentGap": ["Critical Thinking", "Writing"],
  4. "missingSkill": ["Python Data Cleaning", "Python Modeling"],
  5. "recommendSoftware": ["PowerBI", "Anaconda"],
  6. }