@Dickens 2022-07-01T15:16:03.000000Z 字数 781 阅读 218

Moderate consumption

Spending too fast and having a hard time saving? Come to the money saving assistant to help you consume reasonably, record every expense for you, manage your daily consumption, let you consume reasonably and moderately, and save money for you.
As your money saving assistant, this app manages daily expenses for you:
- Set your monthly spending amount, spread it evenly to the daily consumption amount, and record each consumption information to let you know whether your spending is reasonable;
- A detailed list of amounts allows you to better manage your daily expenses, better manage your expenses, and make money-saving plans for you.

In daily life, it is necessary to save money in a planned way. How to spend every money we spend reasonably requires making arrangements. This application is designed to keep a record of your consumption, manage your daily consumption for you, and help you You save money.
