字数 2967
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在委托权益证明(DPOS,Delegated Proof of Stake)的基础上了加入了拜占庭容错算法(PBFT,Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance),从而保证区块链不分叉并且有较高的性能。
a.Asch 系统选择的熵长度为 128bit,将之转换成符合BIP39标准的12 个单词,即主密码。
e.拼接 paylaod和checnksum2,得到seed。
1.Relevant algorithms of Asch blockchain---英文版
Distributed consensus algorithm of Asch:
Asch added PBFT(Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance) on the basis of dpos(Delegated Proof of Stake) to ensure that the block chain is consistent and has high performance.
Key pair generation algorithm:
a.The Asch system selected the entropy length of 128bit and converted it into 12 words conforming to the BIP39 standard, namely the master password.
b.Perform SHA-256 hashing on the master password,and hash_seed is obtained.
c.After the ed25519 Edwards curve signature algorithm is used to sign hash_seed, the key pair is generated, including the public key and private key.
Asch address generation algorithm:
a.Perform SHA-256 hashing on the public key buffer,get h1.
b.Perform RIPEMD-160 hashing on the h1,get payload.
c.Perform SHA-256 hashing on the payload,get checksum1.
d.Perform SHA-256 hashing on the checksum1,get checksum2.
e.Paylaod and checnksum2 join together,get seed.
f.Take the first len(payload)+4 bytes of the seed,get addr.
g.Convert the addr from a byte string into a base58 string using Base58Check encoding,get b1.
h."A" and b1 join together,get final Asch address.This is the most commonly used Asch Address format.
2.目前我们每次在github上提交完更新后,都会在travis-ci.org上自动跑测试用例,该用例是自动启动4个节点,并且在上面用mocha测试如下功能:钱包账户生成、转账、锁仓、多重签名、dapp注册、dapp充值、dapp提现等所有钱包功能。测试地址为https://travis-ci.org/AschPlatform/asch ,测试用例源代码地址为:https://github.com/AschPlatform/asch/tree/master/test 。
At present, Asch will automatically run test cases on travis-ci.org when we commited codes to the github, the use case is automatically start four nodes, and test the following functions use mocha: wallet account generation, transfer XAS and UIA, account lock, multisignature, dapp registration, dapp deposit, dapp withdrawal etc.Test cases url is https://travis-ci.org/AschPlatform/asch, the source code of test cases is: https://github.com/AschPlatform/asch/tree/master/test.
See the test case report (appendix I: Asch wallet test report)
项目 | 阿希 | 以太坊 |
架构 | 侧链 | 单链 |
共识机制 | DPOS+PBFT(无分叉且高性能) | POW,POS(未来) |
安全问题 | 侧链应用独立于主链(安全) | 应用集成在单链(危险) |
成本问题 | 独立发行资产(便宜) | 需要消耗Gas(贵) |
开发门槛 | Javascript(门槛低) | Solidity,GO(门槛高) |
性能问题 | 扩展无限资源(加法) | 共用仅有资源(减法) |
智能合约 | DAPP(广义智能合约) | 智能合约(狭义) |
Projects | Asch | Ethereum |
Architecture | sideChain | singleChain |
Consensus algorithm | DPOS+PBFT(hight consistency and high performance.) | POW,POS(future) |
Security | Side chain applications are independent of the main chain.(safety) | Applications integration in single chain.(risk) |
Costs | independent issue assets(cheap) | consume Gas(expensive) |
Barrier for developer | Javascript(easy) | Solidity,GO(difficult ) |
Performance | Expand unlimited resources(addition) | Share limited resources(subtraction) |
Smart Contract | DAPP(broad sense) | Smart Contract(narrow sense) |