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Top 10 Health Benefits of Massage Therapy for Seniors


Massage therapy offers many benefits to seniors. It increases blood flow to the limbs, improves balance and gait, and softens hard muscles and tissues. Here are some of the most common health benefits of massage therapy for seniors. And these benefits are only a few of the many possible. Read on to learn more. Massage therapy benefits seniors in many different ways, so you should give it a try.

How Massage Therapy Benefits Seniors

Best tantric massage in London benefits seniors in several ways. It may relieve age-related symptoms, but it also improves quality of life. As the baby boomer generation continues to retire, thousands of people will become seniors. Massage therapists should learn safe techniques for elderly clients. This will increase their marketability, and they will benefit from this clientele. Here are three benefits of massage therapy for the elderly. a) Massage relieves stress. b) Massage helps reduce muscle pain.

Elderly people are more sensitive to pressure so may require a gentler massage. Massage therapists should be informed of any health conditions or medications that the client is taking. It is important to inform the therapist if a client is on pain medication. The therapist can adjust the massage to account for any side effects. The therapist will also need to know the client's current medications and chronic conditions.

o Seniors with osteoarthritis can benefit from massage therapy. They often report better quality sleep. This improves sleep quality and leads to better health and wellbeing. Massage therapy can also be helpful for Alzheimer's patients, as slow-stroke back massage is known to alleviate agitation. Ultimately, massage therapy helps seniors stay as active and healthy as possible. Massage therapy also releases mood-enhancing endorphins. Lastly, massage therapy can help seniors who feel lonely or isolated. Depression can be exacerbated by age-related changes in your health and fitness. Massage therapy can help seniors manage these conditions by decreasing cortisol and increasing dopamine, serotonin, and brain activity.

Increases blood flow to limbs

One way to increase blood flow to limbs is to sit up straight. Sitting down and leaning backwards will reduce blood flow to the legs. Keeping your legs elevated and separated will increase blood flow, as will sleeping with your legs elevated on a pillow. Edema can be reduced by elevating your legs. Your doctor may recommend medication to treat secondary Raynaud's.

One study found that exercise that significantly reduced the RSR or OSI was primarily lower limb specific. This suggests that the increased blood flow could be due to impaired cutaneous vascular dilation, which contributes to the reduction of retrograde shear during steady state exercise. The results of the exercise program were consistent with those of other participants in their study, which suggests that it reduced the incidence of cardiovascular risk markers.

The arteries carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the legs. If these are healthy, blood flows freely, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the legs. Healthy veins return blood back to the heart. When blood flow to the legs is impaired, it can result in leg sores and venous stasis ulcers. Because the fingers and toes are the closest to the heart, they feel less pressure than the rest.


Balance and gait improvements

A physical therapist may use specific exercises to correct gait problems, increase muscle tone, and improve joint flexibility. It is also possible to improve a senior's balance and agility through targeted massage. These exercises can also relieve pain, increase range of motion, and improve reflexes. Massage therapy for seniors can be a great way to keep mobility and independence. Call Rebound Physical Therapy to make an appointment with a professional massage therapist.

While many causes contribute to problems with balance and gait, some people develop these problems as they age. Gait disorders can be caused by many factors, including age, autoimmune diseases, and peripheral neuropathy. Other causes include injury and lingering pain from previous injuries. Many physical therapists use massage therapy for seniors to treat these issues. After a thorough evaluation, your physical therapist can develop a customized treatment plan that addresses specific areas of the body. Your therapist will likely recommend specific exercises and stretches and make recommendations for footwear and accommodations changes.

Although massage therapy may not solve all balance and gait problems, it can improve your overall health. Gait and balance are linked and tend to impact each other. Those who are afraid of falling may actually be experiencing slow reflexes. This can make it more difficult to walk. These slow reflexes are also impacted by poor posture and gait. Massage therapy for seniors can be a great way to improve your quality of life and prevent falls.

Softens hard muscles and tissues

Seniors are more likely to fall because of their diminished grip strength and balance. Proprioception is also decreased, which increases the risk of falls. Massage therapy improves proprioception in older adults by increasing their sense of relative position, thus reducing the risk of falls. The elderly are also prone to stiffness, which prevents them from moving freely and hardens their muscles. Massage therapy has many benefits beyond the softening of hard tissues and muscles.

A variety of massage techniques are used to soften hard muscles and tissues. Petrissage, which is derived from the French word "petrir", uses kneading, and other soft-tissue methods to break down adhesions, and stimulate circulation. Some massage techniques include stretching and flexibility exercises. A variety of massage techniques can be used to provide the benefits of each. No matter which type of massage technique you choose, it can help improve circulation and tone in your body.

Another form of massage therapy is called deep-tissue massage, which utilizes slow, deep strokes to relieve pain and restore mobility to aching muscles. Seniors can benefit from this treatment as it helps them sleep better. Studies have shown that therapeutic massage has helped patients with Alzheimer's disease sleep through the night. It helps to eliminate toxins and improve the immune system. A massage can help seniors get a better night of sleep than other types of massage.

Stimulates the nervous system

As people get older, their bodies change and their sleep patterns change. This is bad news because it increases the risk of falls. Poor quality sleep also means more fatigue during the day. Massage therapy is an excellent way to calm the body and stimulate the nervous system. It also helps in promoting a healing process. These are just a few benefits of massage therapy for senior citizens. This article will provide you with information on how massage therapy can benefit seniors.

Studies have shown that massage can help with stroke recovery. Massage stimulates the nervous system, releases hormones, and neurotransmitters. Massage therapy increases the production of serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters. It can also improve seniors' sleep quality. It can also decrease the risk of a stroke by stimulating the affected areas. Last but not least, massage therapy can improve the quality of senior's lives.

It helps to improve the immune system and slow down the development of anemia. Because massage is a complete workout for the entire body, it improves energy levels and helps the immune system. Massage therapy can provide a complete workout for seniors who are unable or unable to exercise. Not only does it help relieve pain and increase energy levels, but it will also improve the health of your muscles and joints.

Improves sleep

As we age, our sleep patterns may change and the quality of our sleep can suffer. Poor sleep can lead to an increased risk of falling and fatigue during the day. Massage therapy can help seniors relax, calm their bodies, and improve their sleep quality. It can also improve neurological and cardiovascular health. This can improve their quality of sleep and help them get a good night's rest. And with all of the benefits that massage therapy brings to the body, it's no wonder that it's becoming a popular option among senior citizens.

Massage is great for adults but it's also great for children and the elderly. People with fibromyalgia and other mood disorders, such as cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, chronic pain, chronic pain, and chronic pain, can benefit from massage. Because sleep can often be a symptom or other conditions, it is helpful to treat them while getting a better night's sleep. Massage therapy for seniors is an excellent drug-free alternative for people with these conditions.

A study of one such patient showed that she improved her sleep after just five weeks of receiving massage therapy. Even though massage didn't cure narcolepsy, it did improve her quality of sleep and her alertness during the day. In fact, in a study conducted in Toronto, the patient experienced a 100 percent improvement in all sleep measures over the five-week period. However, most studies are done at night so the effects may not be as correlated with the time of day.
