@stepbystep 2017-07-19T00:44:01.000000Z 字数 2451 阅读 1907

机器学习&地球物理 论文分配情况 (复杂多维信息处理团队)

机器学习 地球物理


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序号 分类 期刊名 论文名 负责人
1 孔隙度预测 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(一区) Transductive Regression for Data With Latent Dependence Structure 厍斌
2 孔隙度预测 Computers and Geosciences Porosity estimation by semi-supervised learning with sparsely available labeled samples 厍斌
3 孔隙度预测 Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (三区) Estimation of porosity from seismic attributes using a committee model with bat-inspired optimization algorithm
4 地质建模 Computers and Geosciences A machine learning approach to the potential-field method for implicit modeling of geological structures 展祥林
5 分类(波形) Geophysical Prospecting Statistical facies classification from multiple seismic attributes: comparison between Bayesian classification and expectation–maximization method and application in petrophysical inversion 李文昊
6 分类(波形) Geophysical Prospecting Seismic facies analysis through musical attributes 李坤鸿
7 分类(波形) Interpretation A comparison of classification techniques for seismic facies recognition 文传勇
8 分类(波形) Geophysics Seismic facies analysis based on speech recognition feature parameters
9 分类 (岩性) Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (3区) Comparison of supervised and unsupervised approaches for mudstone lithofacies classification: Case studies from the Bakken and Mahantango-Marcellus Shale, USA 李文昊
10 分类(SOM) The Leading Edge Seismic interpretation below tuning with multiattribute analysis 文传勇
11 检测(盐丘)(轮廓) Interpretation A texture-based interpretation workflow with application to delineating salt domes 刘致宁
12 检测(断层) Interpretation Fault detection using principal component analysis of seismic attributes in the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota, USA 余里辉
13 储层预测(产量?) Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (3区) New forecasting method for liquid rich shale gas condensate reservoirs with data driven approach using principal component analysis 吴庆平
14 数据补全 Geophysics What can machine learning do for seismic data processing? An interpolation application 帅领
15 AVO 分析(机器学习) The Leading Edge Unbiased AVO crossplotting
16 基于张量的 Computers and Geosciences Tensor based geology preserving reservoir parameterization with Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition (HOSVD)
17 TOC脆性估计 Interpretation Estimation of total organic carbon and brittleness volume
18 脆性估计 Interpretation Brittleness evaluation of resource plays  by integrating petrophysical  and seismic data analysis 厍斌
19 厚度预测 Computers and Geosciences Quantitative thickness prediction of tectonically deformed coal using Extreme Learning Machine and Principal Component Analysis: a case study 刘致宁
20 图像分割 Computers and Geosciences An interactive image segmentation method for lithological boundary detection: A rapid mapping tool for geologists 颜博