字数 5148
阅读 908
VAAI Block - SCSI Command
VAAI Block - NAS Primitives (Not supported)
Check VAAI support
主机 > 配置 > 安全配置文件 > 服务 > 属性 > SSH 启动
Use esxcli to check VAAI support status
Display Name: Potevio iSCSI Disk (eui.6665653462653938)
Has Settable Display Name: true
Size: 5120
Device Type: Direct-Access
Multipath Plugin: NMP
Devfs Path: /vmfs/devices/disks/eui.6665653462653938
Vendor: Potevio
Model: PtBus
Revision: 0500
SCSI Level: 6
Is Pseudo: false
Status: degraded
Is RDM Capable: true
Is Local: false
Is Removable: false
Is SSD: false
Is Offline: false
Is Perennially Reserved: false
Queue Full Sample Size: 0
Queue Full Threshold: 0
Thin Provisioning Status: yes
Attached Filters:
VAAI Status: supported
Other UIDs: vml.01000000006665653462653938507442757320
Is Local SAS Device: false
Is Boot USB Device: false
No of outstanding IOs with competing worlds: 32
VAAI Plugin Name:
ATS Status: supported
Clone Status: supported
Zero Status: supported
Delete Status: supported
Monitor VAAI related operations
Operation monitor
# 1. Select `u` for device view
# 2. Then `f` change which fields to show
# 3. Choose `o` and `p` for VAAI statistics
11:59:16pm up 66 days 23:11, 544 worlds, 9 VMs, 29 vCPUs; CPU load average: 0.17, 0.17, 0.17
eui.6665653462653938 513 513 0 0.00 0.00 2392 3 2174 1 0.00 0
mpx.vmhba1:C0:T0:L0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
naa.600508e000000000346e84af20e99600 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 25293 0.00 0
naa.600508e0000000003b4f94b413c8a609 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 14761 0.00 0
Testing Methodology / Scenarios
Before migration
ESXi > vmkfstools -Ph -v 1 /vmfs/volumes/vaai/
VMFS-5.60 file system spanning 1 partitions.
File system label (if any): vaai
Mode: public ATS-only
Capacity 59.8 GB, 24.7 GB available, file block size 1 MB, max file size 64 TB
Volume Creation Time: Fri May 4 08:53:15 2018
Files (max/free): 130000/129971
Ptr Blocks (max/free): 64512/64462
Sub Blocks (max/free): 32000/31995
Secondary Ptr Blocks (max/free): 256/256
File Blocks (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/35918/0
Ptr Blocks (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/50/0
Sub Blocks (overcommit/used/overcommit %): 0/5/0
Volume Metadata size: 803962880
UUID: 5aec1f7b-7dfd8c80-1531-842b2b6fe984
Partitions spanned (on "lvm"):
Is Native Snapshot Capable: YES
OBJLIB-LIB: ObjLib cleanup done.
PtBus > ceph df # Check RBD pool space usage
ESXi挂载iSCSI Target LUN,但LUN中已经有分区,需要删除分区
Device Type: Direct-Access
Size: 5120 MB
Display Name: Potevio iSCSI Disk (eui.6665653462653938)
Multipath Plugin: NMP
Console Device: /vmfs/devices/disks/eui.6665653462653938
Devfs Path: /vmfs/devices/disks/eui.6665653462653938
Vendor: Potevio Model: PtBus Revis: 0500
SCSI Level: 6 Is Pseudo: false Status: degraded
Is RDM Capable: true Is Removable: false
Is Local: false Is SSD: false
Other Names:
VAAI Status: supported
652 255 63 10485760
1 2048 10474379 0 0
Kill VM When iSCSI disk is gone
World ID: 15094214
Process ID: 0
VMX Cartel ID: 15094208
UUID: 42 2a f4 e7 26 b3 17 15-4c 94 ba df df 28 ae 82
Display Name: vaai-test
Config File: /vmfs/volumes/5ae3d691-27e4f6f0-a321-842b2b6fe984/vaai-test/vaai-test.vmx
Reclaiming Unused Storage Space
When VMFS datastores reside on thin-provisioned LUNs, you can use ESXCLI commands to reclaim the unused logical blocks of a thin-provisioned LUN formatted with VMFS.
When you run the commands, you must specify the volume label (--volume-label) or the volume id (--volume-uuid) but you cannot specify both.
In each iteration, the command issues unmap commands to the number of file system blocks that are specified by the optional reclaim-unit argument, which defaults to 200. For newly created VMFS-5 file systems, the filesystem block size is always 1 MB. For VMFS-3 filesystems or VMFS-5 filesystems that were upgraded from VMFS-3, the filesystem block size could be one of 1, 2, 4, 8 MB.
The following examples illustrate how to use the command.
# esxcli storage vmfs unmap --volume-label datastore1 --reclaim-unit 100
# esxcli storage vmfs unmap -l datastore1 -n 100
# esxcli storage vmfs unmap --volume-uuid 515615fb-1e65c01d-b40f-001d096dbf97 --reclaim-unit 500
# esxcli storage vmfs unmap -u 515615fb-1e65c01d-b40f-001d096dbf97 -n 500
# esxcli storage vmfs unmap -l datastore1
# esxcli storage vmfs unmap -u 515615fb-1e65c01d-b40f-001d096dbf97