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Qualitative Data Collection Techniques-2021 Guide

Research is important for students and throughout our academic life, we are asked to gather the information that later we can use in any research project. There are different research techniques for data collection, but generally, the researchers from social sciences rely on qualitative data collection techniques. These are quite easy approaches to get the required data and start with your research project. They are easy but still, some students or online essay writing service  researchers are not aware of the qualitative data collection techniques. If you are among these students, this qualitative data collection technique guide will help you understand these research techniques.


This is the first and the commonly used data collection technique. If you know any person that can aid you in developing an analysis that might be your instructor, any professor of your institution, or any known person, you may plan an interview with him. In doing this, keep in mind that  write my essay online  you initially require to be prepared. For example, write your questions, the proposed answers along with the rescue questions, you will be asking in case any of your questions backfire. Before going for an interview do thorough research about the person you are going to interview, along with reading his recent publications (if any).

Analysis of the published literature

Analysis of the published literature is also a most adhered qualitative research technique. In doing this you need to gather the information that has been published in recent times and will be analyzing for your proposed research question. Analysis of the published literature helps you in refining your research proposal and assists you in having a clear idea of ​​what you are going to research. If you are not comfortable in analyzing the published literature, remember you can outsource this task to any essay writing service . Doing this will cost you a bit, but rest assured that you will get a detailed piece of analysis that will assist you in varying manners.    


Surveys are a bit difficult and those of us who are not good at research find this hectic. Given its essentiality, students must develop their abilities in conducting surveys. For doing surveys you will be required to develop some questions along with the possible answers, and you will publish them on the different websites including the social media platforms you use. You can buy essay online that talk about survey techniques, as it is essential to have  write my college essay proper knowledge of survey techniques before making closed-ended questions about this . You need to keep in mind that survey results help you get an idea of ​​trends and what most probable outcomes you can get through conducting your research.

Group Discussions

Group discussions are academic activities that help you in getting an idea of the generally held views. For conducting these activities, you can simply request some of the known members or your colleagues that are working on similar projects. Arrange a group activity and shortlist some ideas the participants will be pondering on. Unlike other techniques of qualitative research, group discussion is more informal and helps you have a thorough idea about the research question under consideration.  


Observations are the least used qualitative research technique. In this, you will be observing a group of college essay writer people or a social trend that closely relates to your research query. Be mindful that you are not observing anything that cannot benefit you in research. Given such drawbacks of the observation techniques, social scientists researchers do not employ this technique for getting answers to their research queries. 


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