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What needs to be done to return to school?

Critical thinking

The educational process at school is mainly reproductive in nature, that is, it is built on the repeated reproduction of rules and patterns: the student is given a task that he must complete according to a certain pattern. This allows you to quickly acquire a large amount of knowledge, but at the same time, creative thinking, independence, and flexibility of thinking are blocked in children. Look at the tasks of your children, most of them: remember, insert, underline, highlight, solve according to the model, etc. Performing a large number of tasks of the same type kills interest in learning, and learning often turns into cramming.

On the one hand, students are bombarded with a flood of information, including on school subjects, the number of which is only growing, on the other hand, not knowing how to work with it, students often learn only superficial fragments of information.

It is very important for modern students not so much to memorize information on which the old school is built, but to develop critical thinking. Thanks to him, you can analyze the information received, draw conclusions, formulate your own opinion on any issue and act in accordance with it. This is the only way to become a paper writer and there is no other way. It is impossible to develop critical thinking by accumulating knowledge.

The World Economic Forum has included critical thinking in the list of the most important and sought-after competencies, the so-called 4K: creativity, critical thinking, communications, cooperation (interaction and collaboration).This is important for writing college paper help because the ability to think independently is developed and such people become in demand. That is, such skills as generating ideas, constructing arguments, highlighting the lack of information and searching for it, formulating one's own ideas and developing others' ideas are most in demand. Therefore, in order to make my essay, you need to know how to formulate an idea and arrange it on a sheet. This is important for writing, and if you don’t know how to do it, then you need to seek help from experts on this issue.

These skills will be part of the content of education along with the school subjects, as they become an obligatory result of education that the school must provide to its graduates.

Conscious career choice
According to a HeadHunter survey, among college graduates, 41% work in a field other than the one they received at the university. Even without statistics, after talking with the people around you, you can understand how many chose a profession: some - because their parents had the same profession, the second - on the advice of friends, and the third - because they went to this faculty on points. This only proves that the choice of a profession for many happens by chance. At the same time, there is a clear correlation between the conscious choice of the direction of activity and the satisfaction that you get from work.

What to do? Algorithm for creating a modern school

The British school offered its own methods for solving these problems. Of course, we understand that this path is not easy and takes time.

First of all, we made the decision to give the British program in a hybrid and intensive format. It was about transferring all lecture work, designed to transmit information, online, and reorienting classroom work into active work under the guidance of a teacher: discussions, analysis of cases, practical tasks, etc. What does it give?

Firstly, in this way we educate the children in the skills of self-organization and prioritization. The student is free to decide when to listen to the lesson and is responsible for how he listens. Secondly, classes are held in an active form and students are involved in the learning process as much as possible. Thirdly, we use the released time resource to organize learning activities in real adult projects. It is known that learning in the course of vigorous activity is most effective. We have identified several real industries for ourselves, including information technology, digital business, fuel and energy complex, urban environment, sports, culture, new product development and entrepreneurship.

Next, we outlined a range of problems that, within the framework of group tasks, children should solve under the guidance of adults. Moreover, the result, as a rule, is also not fantasy and does not end only on paper, but is connected with the adult world.Participation in such activities significantly increases the motivation for learning; moreover, students actually form a request for specific knowledge and skills that they need in a given situation. Such activity becomes a challenge for the student's thinking, maximally contributes to the development of creativity and critical thinking.

In such activities, a whole range of competencies and soft skills is pumped. For example, the ability to establish contact with different organizations, experience in intercultural communication and teamwork. Upon completion of the case, work on mistakes and reflection takes place, and the teacher turns from a talking head and an adult dictator into a mentor and senior comrade, ready to communicate not with quotes from books of the last century, but in a language understandable to children.

We strive for our graduates to have a portfolio of specific practical skills, know their strengths and weaknesses and choose a profession based on their potential and contact with the outside world, not only through the prism of textbooks and a standardized set of formulas and rules.

Useful Resources

How to Write an Excellent Narrative Essay for College — urdesignmag

An introductory essay that sells you to any business school

What kills your productivity when writing a coursework | Education

List of Reliable Websites to Get Dissertation Help

Written Exams | An Easy Guide On Coping With The Test Successfully!
