字数 800
阅读 813
we have chosen two of the benchmarks that were used to evaluate Satori:Compiling the Linux kernel and the Apache web server
performance when serving static files to httperf.
M OSBERGER , D., AND J IN , T. httperf - a tool for measuring web
server performance. SIGMETRICS Perf. Eval. Review 1998
Kernel Build: we compile the Linux kernel 3.6.10 in
guest VMs. We begin this benchmark after the VMs are
fully booted and static sharing opportunities are detected.
Apache Server: we run the ab benchmark on Apache
httpd server. We test a local web site in guest VMs with
24 of concurrency requests.
MySQL Database: we run the SysBench with MySQL
database in guest VMs. We test database with 1-thread
and the oltp-table-size is configured as 1500000.