@kartiksharma 2025-02-20T08:38:23.000000Z 字数 1321 阅读 5

How to Reach Vrindavan from Ghaziabad?

Ghaziabad to Vrindavan Distance is approx. 130 km and it takes almost 2.5 to 3 hrs to reach there depending on traffic, road and weather condition and it is a short and convenient journey for tourists and pilgrims. Vrindavan is the birth place of Goddess Radha and also a sacred land where Lord Krishna spent his childhood days. There are so many famous temple in Vrindavan to visit but if you are looking for the best way to go Vrindavan from Ghaziabad, here are some ways that you can choose to travel.

You can travel from Ghaziabad to Vrindavan in various ways such as by car, bus, train or tempo traveller.

By Car: You can choose to travel by your own car or also hire a cab on rent. But driving your own vehicle gives you freedom and flexibility with comfort to visit temples and other such locations during the journey.

By Bus: You can take a regular state and private buses that runs between Ghaziabad and Vrindavan. It is the best way to travel for those who are budget-conscious.

By Train: You can travel by train from Ghaziabad Railway Station to Mathura Junction which is 15 km away from Vrindavan. You can take a taxi or auto-rickshaw from Mathura railway station.

By Tempo Traveller: If you are traveling in a group, then booking a Tempo Traveller Ghaziabad is a great option. It offers ample seating, air conditioning and comfortable journey making the trip pleasant for family and friends.

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