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How to successfully decorate with oak furniture?

Solid oak is appreciated by lovers of beautiful furniture, especially for its robustness and longevity. made of this very resistant material, many pieces of oak furniture are passed down from generation to generation despite fashions and whatever their styles. furniture of traditional inspiration, with classic elegance, blends very well with the most diverse decorations, as evidenced by the success of our La Bresse collection, whose models are respectfully in line with "tradition" furniture.

oak decoration

The fundamentals of a successful oak decoration

The decoration is not limited to the style of solid oak furniture. Very often when we speak of "deco", we imply the association of elements of different natures. An association that includes both furniture, objects and everything that appeals to the living room in which they are arranged. To learn more about the art of arrangement, you can refer to our buying guides dedicated to the living room and the dining room in which you will find our expert advice.

The art of matching colors

For a successful oak decoration, we invite you to pay particular attention to the color of each of the elements that make up your room: walls, furniture, objects. To create a harmonious atmosphere they must marry perfectly with each other. One of the most common mistakes is to choose the color of your walls before that of your furniture. even if it is not always possible to re-upholster or repaint a room when you renew your furniture, it is essential to combine the colors judiciously.

The choice of colors is largely conditioned by the brightness of the room. If you benefit from a significant contribution of light, you can afford to opt for furniture in darker tones and conversely, if your room is dark, bet instead on light furniture.

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If possible, the color of your furniture should contrast with that of your walls by opting for a subtle harmony so that they do not merge with them but rather agree with each other. If your furniture is dark, prefer a light wall covering, whether wallpaper or paint. Conversely, if your furniture is light, a dark shade will look great. It should be noted that on Homary.com, you have a good chance of finding the ideal color for your interior since oak is a wood that can be declined in multiple finishes.

Decorative objects: good or bad idea?

This is a problem that concerns not only the decoration based on the dominant use of oak but the decoration of any interior in general. The risk of clutter is real because objects, in particular trinkets, quickly accumulate. It is not a question of clearing the air and getting rid of the effects that are dear to you, but of sorting and possibly "rotating" this little decoration so as not to install everything at the same time. Keep in mind that trinkets are frequently responsible for an overloaded decor. So it's up to you to share things!

You can also play on a completely different register by decorating your interior decoration with accessories that are both decorative and useful. This is for example the case of wooden mirrors such as those we offer at Homary. Although belonging to the La Bresse collection, these will find their place in all living rooms or dining rooms and will create a visual magnification effect that is all the more appreciable if your room is small. You can also opt for shelves whose main function is to display small objects, thus giving personality to your decoration.
