@adventures 2019-04-04T16:15:04.000000Z 字数 718 阅读 1220

Calculate enthalpy

enthalpy , an important state parameter in the thermodynamics that characterizes the energy of a material system, usually denoted by the symbol H.
The enthalpy in the air refers to the total heat contained in the air, usually based on the unit mass of dry air, called enthalpy . The term enthalpy in the project refers to the sum of the enthalpy of one kilogram of dry air and the enthalpy of water vapor corresponding to it (containing in 1 kg of dry air).
In engineering, using the calculator to calculate the enthalpy value can help you determine whether the air is getting heat or losing heat.
An increase in the air's specific enthalpy indicates that heat is obtained in the air; a decrease in the air's specific enthalpy indicates that heat is lost in the air.
Note: The calculation results provided by this application are for reference only!
