@Jitendrachoudhary 2025-01-24T11:29:33.000000Z 字数 1016 阅读 13

Mathura to Ayodhya Distance

The distance from Mathura is approx. 525 km and It takes around 9 to hrs to reach there. There are several ways to travel to Ayodhya from Mathura but if you are travelling in group. The best option that you can opt for is renting a Tempo Traveller based on your group size and other preferences.

The most famous route from Mathura to Ayodhya is National Highway (NH19) and (NH27). Both offers a smooth and comfortable ride. You will cross some major cities such as Agra, Lucknow and Etawah.

For those looking to have a hassle-free trip consider booking a luxury Tempo Traveller in Mathura which comes with AC, comfortable reclining seats and entertainment systems. Tempo Travellers are ideal for long journeys and ensures you a wonderful experience during the entire travel.

Whether a pilgrimage or a historical visit, get an opportunity to hire a Tempo Traveller in Mathura and experience an easy and delightful trip to Ayodhya. Book your ride today to explore the spiritual and cultural heritage of Ayodhya with comfort and convenience.

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