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The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a distributed file system designed to run on commodity hardware. It has many similarities with existing distributed file systems.However, the differences from other distributed file systems are significant. HDFS is highlyfault-tolerant and is designed to be deployed on low-cost hardware. HDFS provides high throughput access to application data and is suitable for applications that have large data sets. HDFS relaxes a few POSIX requirements to enable streaming access to file system data. HDFS was originally built as infrastructure for the Apache Nutch web search engine project. HDFS is part of the Apache Hadoop Core project.
Hardware failure is the norm rather than the exception. An HDFS instance may consist of hundreds or thousands of server machines, each storing part of the file system’s data. The fact that there are a huge number of components and that each component has a non-trivial probability of failure means that some component of HDFS is always non-functional. Therefore, detection of faults and quick, automatic recovery from them is a core architectural goal of HDFS.
Applications that run on HDFS need streaming access to their data sets. They are not general purpose applications that typically run on general purpose file systems. HDFS is designed more for batch processing rather than interactive use by users. The emphasis is on high throughput of data access rather than low latency of data access. POSIX imposes many hard requirements that are not needed for applications that are targeted for HDFS. POSIX semantics in a few key areas has been traded to increase data throughput rates.
Applications that run on HDFS have large data sets. A typical file in HDFS is gigabytes to terabytes in size. Thus, HDFS is tuned to support large files. It should provide high aggregate data bandwidth and scale to hundreds of nodes in a single cluster. It should support tens of millions of files in a single instance.
HDFS applications need a write-once-read-many access model for files. A file once created, written, and closed need not be changed. This assumption simplifies data coherency issues and enables high throughput data access. A Map/Reduce application or a web crawler application fits perfectly with this model. There is a plan to support appending-writes to files in the future.
A computation requested by an application is much more efficient if it is executed near the data it operates on. This is especially true when the size of the data set is huge. This minimizes network congestion and increases the overall throughput of the system. The assumption is that it is often better to migrate the computation closer to where the data is located rather than moving the data to where the application is running. HDFS provides interfaces for applications to move themselves closer to where the data is located.
Applications that require low-latency access to data, in the tens of milliseconds range, will not work well with HDFS. Remember, HDFS is optimized for delivering a high throughput of data, and this may be at the expense of latency. HBase is currently a better choice for low-latency access.
Because the namenode holds filesystem metadata in memory, the limit to the number of files in a filesystem is governed by the amount of memory on the namenode.As a rule of thumb, each file, directory, and block takes about 150 bytes. So, for example, if you had one million files, each taking one block, you would need at least 300 MB of memory. Although storing millions of files is feasible, billions is beyond the capability of current hardware.
Files in HDFS may be written to by a single writer. Writes are always made at the end of the file, in append-only fashion. There is no support for multiple writers or for modifications at arbitrary offsets in the file.
HDFS has a master/slave architecture. An HDFS cluster consists of a single NameNode, a master server that manages the file system namespace and regulates access to files by clients. In addition, there are a number of DataNodes, usually one per node in the cluster, which manage storage attached to the nodes that they run on. HDFS exposes a file system namespace and allows user data to be stored in files. Internally, a file is split into one or more blocks and these blocks are stored in a set of DataNodes. The NameNode executes file system namespace operations like opening, closing, and renaming files and directories. It also determines the mapping of blocks to DataNodes. The DataNodes are responsible for serving read and write requests from the file system’s clients. The DataNodes also perform block creation, deletion, and replication upon instruction from the NameNode.
The namenode manages the filesystem namespace. It maintains the filesystem tree and the metadata for all the files and directories in the tree. This information is stored persistently on the local disk in the form of two files: the namespace image and the edit log. The namenode also knows the datanodes on which all the blocks for a given file are located; however, it does not store block locations persistently, because this information is reconstructed from datanodes when the system starts
Datanodes are the workhorses of the filesystem. They store and retrieve blocks when they are told to (by clients or the namenode), and they report back to the namenode periodically with lists of blocks that they are storing.
Without the namenode, the filesystem cannot be used. In fact, if the machine running the namenode were obliterated, all the files on the filesystem would be lost since there would be no way of knowing how to reconstruct the files from the blocks on the datanodes. For this reason, it is important to make the namenode resilient to failure, and Hadoop provides two mechanisms for this.
HDFS supports a traditional hierarchical file organization. A user or an application can create directories and store files inside these directories. The file system namespace hierarchy is similar to most other existing file systems; one can create and remove files, move a file from one directory to another, or rename a file. HDFS does not yet implement user quotas or access permissions. HDFS does not support hard links or soft links. However, the HDFS architecture does not preclude implementing these features.
The NameNode maintains the file system namespace. Any change to the file system namespace or its properties is recorded by the NameNode. An application can specify the number of replicas of a file that should be maintained by HDFS. The number of copies of a file is called the replication factor of that file. This information is stored by the NameNode.
HDFS is implemented as a block-structured filesystem. As shown in Figure 2-1, individual files are broken into blocks of a fixed size, which are stored across an Hadoop cluster. A file can be made up of several blocks, which are stored on different DataNodes (individual machines in the cluster)chosen randomly on a block-by-block basis. As a result, access to a file usually requires access to multiple DataNodes, which means that HDFS supports file sizes far larger than a single-machine disk capacity.
The DataNode stores each HDFS data block in a separate file on its local filesystem with no knowledge about the HDFS files themselves. To improve throughput even further, the DataNode does not create all files in the same directory. Instead, it uses heuristics to determine the optimal number of files per directory, and creates subdirectories appropriately.
Having a block abstraction for a distributed filesystem brings several benefits. The first benefit is the most obvious: a file can be larger than any single disk in the network.There’s nothing that requires the blocks from a file to be stored on the same disk, so they can take advantage of any of the disks in the cluster. In fact, it would be possible,if unusual, to store a single file on an HDFS cluster whose blocks filled all the disks in the cluster.
Second, making the unit of abstraction a block rather than a file simplifies the storage subsystem. Simplicity is something to strive for in all systems, but it is especially important for a distributed system in which the failure modes are so varied. The storage subsystem deals with blocks, simplifying storage management (because blocks are a fixed size, it is easy to calculate how many can be stored on a given disk) and eliminating metadata concerns (because blocks are just chunks of data to be stored, file metadata
such as permissions information does not need to be stored with the blocks, so another system can handle metadata separately).
Furthermore, blocks fit well with replication for providing fault tolerance and availability. To insure against corrupted blocks and disk and machine failure, each block is replicated to a small number of physically separate machines (typically three). If a block becomes unavailable, a copy can be read from another location in a way that is transparent to the client. A block that is no longer available due to corruption or machine failure can be replicated from its alternative locations to other live machines to bring the replication factor back to the normal level. (See “Data Integrity” on page 97 for more on guarding against corrupt data.) Similarly, some applications may choose to set a high replication factor for the blocks in a popular file to spread the read load on the cluster.
Because of the relatively low amount of metadata per file (it only tracks filenames, permissions, and the locations of each block), the NameNode stores all of the metadata in the main memory, thus allowing for a fast random access. The metadata storage is designed to be compact. As a result, a NameNode with 4 GB of RAM is capable of supporting a huge number of files and directories.
Metadata storage is also persistent. The entire filesystem namespace (including the mapping of blocks to files and filesystem properties) is contained in a file called the FsImage stored as a file in the NameNode’s local filesystem. The NameNode also uses a transaction log to persistently record every change that occurs in filesystem metadata (metadata store). This log is stored in the EditLog file on the NameNode’s local filesystem.
As mentioned, the implementation of HDFS is based on master/slave architecture.On the one hand, this approach greatly simplifies the overall HDFS architecture. But on the other hand, it also creates a single point of failure — losing the NameNode effectively means losing HDFS. To somewhat alleviate this problem, Hadoop implements a Secondary NameNode.
The Secondary NameNode is not a “backup NameNode.” It cannot take over the primary NameNode’s function. It serves as a checkpointing mechanism for theprimary NameNode. In addition to storing the state of the HDFS NameNode, it maintains two on-disk data structures that persist the current filesystem state: an image file and an edit log. The image file represents an HDFS metadata state at a point in time, and the edit log is a transactional log (compare to a log in a database architecture) of every filesystem metadata change since the image file was created.
During the NameNode (re)starts, the current state is reconstructed by reading the image file and then replaying the edit log. Obviously, the larger the edit log is, the longer it takes to replay it and consequently start a NameNode. To improve NameNode startup performance, an edit log is periodically rolled, and a new image file is created by applying an edit log to the existing image. This operation can be fairly resource-intensive. To minimize the impact of checkpoint creation and the NameNode functioning, checkpointing is performed by the Secondary NameNode daemon, often on a separate machine.
As a result of checkpointing, the Secondary NameNode holds a copy (out-of-date) of the primary’s persistent state in the form of last image file. In the cases when an edit file is kept relatively small, a secondary node can be used to recover the filesystem’s state. In this case, you must be aware of a certain amount of metadata (and corresponding data) loss, because the latest changes stored in the edit log are not available.
There is ongoing work to create a true backup NameNode, which would be able to take over in the event of the primary node failure. HDFS high-availability implementation introduced in Hadoop 2 is discussed later in this chapter.
1. 合并之前告知NameNode把所有的操作写到新的edites文件并将其命名为edits.new
2. SecondaryNameNode从NameNode请求fsimage和edits文件
3. SecondaryNameNode把fsimage和edits文件合并成新的fsimage文件
4. NameNode从SecondaryNameNode获取合并好的新的fsimage并将旧的替换掉,并把edits用第一步创建的edits.new文件替换掉
5. 更新fstime文件中的检查点
fsimage :保存的是上个检查点的HDFS的元信息
edits :保存的是从上个检查点开始发生的HDFS元信息状态改变信息
fstime :保存了最后一个检查点的时间戳
The downside of HDFS file organization is that several DataNodes are involved in the serving of a file, which means that a file can become unavailable in the case where any one of those machines is lost. To avoid this problem, HDFS replicates each block across a number of machines (three, by default).
Data replication in HDFS is implemented as part of a write operation in the form of a data pipeline.When a client is writing data to an HDFS file, this data is first written to a local file. When the local file accumulates a full block of data, the client consults the NameNode to get a list of DataNodes that are assigned to host replicas of that block. The client then writes the data block from its local storage to the first DataNode in 4K portions. The DataNode stores the received blocks in a local filesystem, and forwards that portion of data to the next DataNode in the list. The same operation is repeated by the next receiving DataNode until the last node in the replica set
receives data. This DataNode stores data locally without sending it any further.
If one of the DataNodes fails while the block is being written, it is removed from the pipeline. In this case, when the write operation on the current block completes, the NameNode re-replicates it to make up for the missing replica caused by the failed DataNode. When a file is closed, the remaining data in the temporary local file is pipelined to the DataNodes. The client then informs the NameNode that the file is closed. At this point, the NameNode commits the file creation operation into a persistent store. If the NameNode dies before the file is closed, the file is lost.
The default block size and replication factor are specified by Hadoop configuration, but can be overwritten on a per-file basis. An application can specify block size, the number of replicas, and the replication factor for a specific file at its creation time.
The HDFS namespace is stored by the NameNode. The NameNode uses a transaction log called the EditLog to persistently record every change that occurs to file system metadata. For example, creating a new file in HDFS causes the NameNode to insert a record into the EditLog indicating this. Similarly, changing the replication factor of a file causes a new record to be inserted into the EditLog. The NameNode uses a file in its local host OS file system to store the EditLog. The entire file system namespace, including the mapping of blocks to files and file system properties, is stored in a file called the FsImage. The FsImage is stored as a file in the NameNode’s local file system too.
The NameNode keeps an image of the entire file system namespace and file Blockmap in memory. This key metadata item is designed to be compact, such that a NameNode with 4 GB of RAM is plenty to support a huge number of files and directories. When the NameNode starts up, it reads the FsImage and EditLog from disk, applies all the transactions from the EditLog to the in-memory representation of the FsImage, and flushes out this new version into a new FsImage on disk. It can then truncate the old EditLog because its transactions have been applied to the persistent FsImage. This process is called a checkpoint. In the current implementation, a checkpoint only occurs when the NameNode starts up. Work is in progress to support periodic checkpointing in the near future.
The DataNode stores HDFS data in files in its local file system. The DataNode has no knowledge about HDFS files. It stores each block of HDFS data in a separate file in its local file system. The DataNode does not create all files in the same directory. Instead, it uses a heuristic to determine the optimal number of files per directory and creates subdirectories appropriately. It is not optimal to create all local files in the same directory because the local file system might not be able to efficiently support a huge number of files in a single directory. When a DataNode starts up, it scans through its local file system, generates a list of all HDFS data blocks that correspond to each of these local files and sends this report to the NameNode: this is the Blockreport.
Each DataNode sends a Heartbeat message to the NameNode periodically. A network partition can cause a subset of DataNodes to lose connectivity with the NameNode. The NameNode detects this condition by the absence of a Heartbeat message. The NameNode marks DataNodes without recent Heartbeats as dead and does not forward any new IO requests to them. Any data that was registered to a dead DataNode is not available to HDFS any more. DataNode death may cause the replication factor of some blocks to fall below their specified value. The NameNode constantly tracks which blocks need to be replicated and initiates replication whenever necessary. The necessity for re-replication may arise due to many reasons: a DataNode may become unavailable, a replica may become corrupted, a hard disk on a DataNode may fail, or the replication factor of a file may be increased.
block report allows verifying that a list of blocks on a DataNode corresponds to the NameNode information. One of the first things that a DataNode does on startup is sending a block report to the NameNode. This allows the NameNode to rapidly form a picture of the block distribution across the cluster.
On startup, the NameNode enters a special state called Safemode. Replication of data blocks does not occur when the NameNode is in the Safemode state. The NameNode receives Heartbeat and Blockreport messages from the DataNodes. A Blockreport contains the list of data blocks that a DataNode is hosting. Each block has a specified minimum number of replicas. A block is considered safely replicated when the minimum number of replicas of that data block has checked in with the NameNode. After a configurable percentage of safely replicated data blocks checks in with the NameNode (plus an additional 30 seconds), the NameNode exits the Safemode state. It then determines the list of data blocks (if any) that still have fewer than the specified number of replicas. The NameNode then replicates these blocks to other DataNodes
A client request to create a file does not reach the NameNode immediately. In fact, initially the HDFS client caches the file data into a temporary local file. Application writes are transparently redirected to this temporary local file. When the local file accumulates data worth over one HDFS block size, the client contacts the NameNode. The NameNode inserts the file name into the file system hierarchy and allocates a data block for it. The NameNode responds to the client request with the identity of the DataNode and the destination data block. Then the client flushes the block of data from the local temporary file to the specified DataNode. When a file is closed, the remaining un-flushed data in the temporary local file is transferred to the DataNode. The client then tells the NameNode that the file is closed. At this point, the NameNode commits the file creation operation into a persistent store. If the NameNode dies before the file is closed, the file is lost.
The above approach has been adopted after careful consideration of target applications that run on HDFS. These applications need streaming writes to files. If a client writes to a remote file directly without any client side buffering, the network speed and the congestion in the network impacts throughput considerably. This approach is not without precedent. Earlier distributed file systems, e.g. AFS, have used client side caching to improve performance. A POSIX requirement has been relaxed to achieve higher performance of data uploads.
When a client is writing data to an HDFS file, its data is first written to a local file as explained in the previous section. Suppose the HDFS file has a replication factor of three. When the local file accumulates a full block of user data, the client retrieves a list of DataNodes from the NameNode. This list contains the DataNodes that will host a replica of that block. The client then flushes the data block to the first DataNode. The first DataNode starts receiving the data in small portions (4 KB), writes each portion to its local repository and transfers that portion to the second DataNode in the list. The second DataNode, in turn starts receiving each portion of the data block, writes that portion to its repository and then flushes that portion to the third DataNode. Finally, the third DataNode writes the data to its local repository. Thus, a DataNode can be receiving data from the previous one in the pipeline and at the same time forwarding data to the next one in the pipeline. Thus, the data is pipelined from one DataNode to the next.
We’re going to consider the case of creating a new file, writing data to it, then closing the file.
To get an idea of how data flows between the client interacting with HDFS, the namenode,and the datanodes, consider Figure 3-2, which shows the main sequence of events when reading a file
The main limitation of the current HDFS implementation is a single NameNode. Because all of the file metadata is stored in memory, the amount of memory in the NameNodes defines the number of files that can be available on an Hadoop cluster. To overcome the limitation of a single NameNode memory and being able to scale the name service horizontally.
Following are the main benefits of HDFS Federation:
As shown in Figure, implementation of HDFS Federation is based on the collection of independent NameNodes that don’t require coordination with each other. The DataNodes are used as common storage for blocks by all the NameNodes. Each DataNode registers with all the NameNodes in the cluster. DataNodes send periodic heartbeats and block reports, and handle commands from the NameNodes.
A namespace operates on a set of blocks — a block pool. Although a pool is dedicated to a specific namespace, the actual data can be allocated on any of the DataNodes in the cluster. Each block pool is managed independently, which allows a namespace to generate block IDs for new blocks without the need for coordination with the other namespaces. The failure of a NameNode does not prevent the DataNode from serving other NameNodes in the cluster.
A namespace and its block pool together are called a namespace volume. This is a self-contained unit of management. When a NameNode/namespace is deleted, the corresponding block pool at the DataNodes is deleted. Each namespace volume is upgraded as a unit, during cluster upgrade.
Although HDFS Federation solves the problem of HDFS scalability, it does not solve the NameNode reliability issue. (In reality, it makes it worse — a probability of one NameNode failure in this case is higher.) In a typical HA cluster, two separate machines are configured as NameNodes. At any point in time, exactly one of the NameNodes is in an Active state, and the other is in a Standby state. The Active NameNode is responsible for all client operations in the cluster, while the Standby is simply acting as a slave, maintaining enough state to provide a fast failover if necessary.
In order for the Standby node to keep its state synchronized with the Active node, both nodes communicate with a group of separate daemons called “JournalNodes” (JNs). When any namespace modification is performed by the Active node, it durably logs a record of the modification to a majority of these JNs. The Standby node is capable of reading the edits from the JNs, and is constantly watching them for changes to the edit log. As the Standby Node sees the edits, it applies them to its own namespace. In the event of a failover, the Standby will ensure that it has read all of the edits from the JounalNodes before promoting itself to the Active state. This ensures that the namespace state is fully synchronized before a failover occurs.
In order to provide a fast failover, it is also necessary that the Standby node have up-to-date information regarding the location of blocks in the cluster. In order to achieve this, the DataNodes are configured with the location of both NameNodes, and send block location information and heartbeats to both.
It is vital for the correct operation of an HA cluster that only one of the NameNodes be Active at a time. Otherwise, the namespace state would quickly diverge between the two, risking data loss or other incorrect results. In order to ensure this property and prevent the so-called “split-brain scenario,” the JournalNodes will only ever allow a single NameNode to be a writer at a time. During a failover, the NameNode which is to become active will simply take over the role of writing to the JournalNodes, which will effectively prevent the other NameNode from continuing in the Active state, allowing the new Active to safely proceed with failover.
In order to deploy an HA cluster, you should prepare the following:
The above sections describe how to configure manual failover. In that mode, the system will not automatically trigger a failover from the active to the standby NameNode, even if the active node has failed. This section describes how to configure and deploy automatic failover.
Automatic failover adds two new components to an HDFS deployment: a ZooKeeper quorum, and the ZKFailoverController process (abbreviated as ZKFC).
Apache ZooKeeper is a highly available service for maintaining small amounts of coordination data, notifying clients of changes in that data, and monitoring clients for failures. The implementation of automatic HDFS failover relies on ZooKeeper for the following things:
The ZKFailoverController (ZKFC) is a new component which is a ZooKeeper client which also monitors and manages the state of the NameNode. Each of the machines which runs a NameNode also runs a ZKFC, and that ZKFC is responsible for:
- Health monitoring - the ZKFC pings its local NameNode on a periodic basis with a health-check command. So long as the NameNode responds in a timely fashion with a healthy status, the ZKFC considers the node healthy. If the node has crashed, frozen, or otherwise entered an unhealthy state, the health monitor will mark it as unhealthy.
- ZooKeeper session management - when the local NameNode is healthy, the ZKFC holds a session open in ZooKeeper. If the local NameNode is active, it also holds a special “lock” znode. This lock uses ZooKeeper’s support for “ephemeral” nodes; if the session expires, the lock node will be automatically deleted.
- ZooKeeper-based election - if the local NameNode is healthy, and the ZKFC sees that no other node currently holds the lock znode, it will itself try to acquire the lock. If it succeeds, then it has “won the election”, and is responsible for running a failover to make its local NameNode active. The failover process is similar to the manual failover described above: first, the previous active is fenced if necessary, and then the local NameNode transitions to active state.